Djikstra's Algorithm In Python
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Harsh Shah

Harsh Shah

Mar 18,2024

Djikstra's Algorithm In Python

Table of contents

  • Djikstra's Algorithm
  • Algorithm
  • Implementation
  • Time Complexity

Djikstra's Algorithm


  • Initialize an empty n x nn\ \text x\ n matrix and in the first column set the distance of the source vertex to be 00 and rest other vertices to \infin
  • Find the vertex vv with the least distance d.d. Mark vv as visited.
  • Check the neighbours of vv and check whether they are unvisited. If the neighbout is not visited, then check for d[v]+W<d[n].d[v]+W<d[n]. If it is the case, then assign this value to d[n].d[n].
  • Repeat steps (3) and (4) for all the unvisited vertices.


Using a NumPy Array

def DjikstraAlgorithm(adj, source):
    rows, cols, x = adj.shape
    visited = {k: False for k in adj[rows]}
    distance = {k: float('inf') for k in adj[rows]}

    distance[source] = 0

    for u in range(rows):
        next_dist = min([distance[v] for v in range(rows)
                           if not visited[v]
        next_vertex_list = [v for v in range(rows)
                              if not visited[v]
                              and distance[v] == next_dist 

        if not next_vertex_list:

        next_vertex = min(next_vertex_list)
        visited[next_vertex] = True
        for i in range(cols):
            if (adj[next_vertex, i, 0] == 1) and (not visited[i]):
                if dist[i] > adj[next_vertex, i, 1] + next_dist:
                    dist[i] = adj[next_vertex, i, 1]

    return distance 

Using an Adjacency List
def DjikstrasAlgorithm(adjList, source):
    vertices = len(adjList.keys())
    visited = {k: False for k in range(vertices)}
    distance = {k: float('inf') for k in range(vertices)}

    distance[source] = 0

    for i in adjList:
        next_dist = min([distance[v] for v in adjList 
                                        if not visited[v]
        next_vertex_list = [v for v in adjList 
                                if not visited[v]
                                and distance[v] == next_dist

        if not next_vertex_list:

        next_vertex = min(next_vertex_list)
        visited[next_vertex] = True

        for v in adjList:
            for neighbour, weight in v:
                if weight + next_dist < distance[neighbour]:
                    distance[neighbour] = weight + next_dist

    return distance 

Time Complexity

The time complexity for <span class="font-extrabold" key=1> Djikstra's Algorithm </span> in either of the two cases is $O(n^2).$ You can minimise this using <span class="font-extrabold" key=3> Heaps </span> as discussed in further articles. <span class="font-extrabold" key=5> Note: </span> Djikstra's Algorithm does not allow the presence of negative edge weights in the graph.

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Harsh Shah

Harsh Shah

I write articles on web dev and more specifically on react and next js.

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