Bellman Ford Algorithm in Python
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Harsh Shah

Harsh Shah

Mar 19,2024

Bellman Ford Algorithm in Python

Table of contents

  • Bellman-Ford Algorithm
  • Algorithm
  • Implementation
  • Time Complexity

Bellman-Ford Algorithm

Bellman Ford Algorithm is an algorithm to find Single Source Shortest Paths similar to the except the fact that it allows the use of negative edge weights but not a negative cycle .


  • Initialise a dictionary DD that stores the distance and D(v)=[0, If v is source vertex, otherwise]D(v) = \begin{bmatrix}0 \text{, If v is source vertex}\\ \infin \text{, otherwise}\end{bmatrix}
  • Pick a vertex jj that has an edge (j,k)(j,k) and set D(k)=min(D(k),D(j)+weight(j,k))D(k) = min(D(k), D(j)+\text{weight}(j, k))
  • Repeat the step 22 for n1n-1 times.


Using Numpy Array

def BellmanFord(adj, source):
    rows, cols, x = adj.shape
    distance = {k: float('inf') for k in range(rows)}

    distance[source] = 0

    for i in range(rows):
        for u in range(rows):
            for j in range(cols):
                if adj[i, j, 0] == 1:
                    distance[j] = min(distance[j], distance[i] + adj[i, j, 1])

    return distance

Using Adjancency List
def BellmanFord(adj, source):
    vertices = len(adj.keys())

    distance = {k: float('inf') for k in range(vertices)}
    distance[source] = 0

    for i in adj:
        for u in adj:
            for vertex, dist in adj[u]:
                distance[vertex] = min(distance[vertex], distance[u] + dist)

    return distance

Time Complexity

Using the numpy method the time complexity is O(n3)O(n^3).Shifting to the Adjacency List the time complexity becomes O(mn)O(mn) where mm is the number of edges and nn is the number of vertices.

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Harsh Shah

Harsh Shah

I write articles on web dev and more specifically on react and next js.

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